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While we often tend to describe worship by song choices, styles, and sounds, we believe it is much more than that.  We believe worship is God revealing self to us and our response to that revelation…so worship becomes a way of BEing.


Table or Chair?  Our sanctuary has a mix of both.  Many love to sit at tables because it gives a place to set their coffee, or take notes. Pastor Chad is also known for his style of preaching that involves everyone.  Often Pastor Chad throws out a question and lets us think and talk about it before moving on.  This help many digest what's being said, and identify how to implement God's Word into our lives in a way often missed when we enter and leave.


James leads us with modern music, but also draws from the hymns throughout history in a way that seeks to bring depth and meaning for everyone who participates.


It’s been said the most flattering compliment is copying.  We believe God sees worship as reflecting who God is in who we BE.  We would love to be part of your journey into authentic worship.


Our worship gatherings for adults and children are Sunday’s at 10:15 AM.  The music and teaching help us lean into a continually growing understanding of who God is and what that means for us.



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